artisan furniture USA

USA Sales Tax Policy for Trade Customers

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  • USA Sales Tax Policy for Trade Customers

Accurate as of: 1st July, 2024

Artisan Furniture welcomes trade customers from around the world to place orders for shipment within the USA, Mexico, and Canada (USMCA region). The application of sales tax varies based on the billing address and the provision of valid reseller certificates.

Tax Policy Details

1. Trade Customers with Non-US Billing Addresses


– No sales tax is charged if the trade customer’s billing address is outside the 50 US states.

2. Trade Customers with Billing Addresses in New Jersey

A. Valid Reseller Certificate Provided:

– No sales tax is charged.

B. No Valid Reseller Certificate Provided:

– A sales tax of 6.625% is applied.

3. Trade Customers with Billing Addresses in California

A. Valid Reseller Certificate Provided:

– No sales tax is charged.

B. No Valid Reseller Certificate Provided:*

– Sales tax is applied based on the trade customer’s specific Californian Zip Code.

Details of Californian Sales Tax:

Please refer to our California Tax Explanation page for a detailed explanation.

  1. State Sales Tax:

   – A flat state tax rate of 7.25% is applied.

  1. Local Sales Tax:

   – Additional taxes are imposed by counties and cities, varying by the trade customer’s billing address.

   – The total applicable tax rate is calculated automatically on the Artisan Furniture website at checkout.

  1. Trade Customers with Billing Addresses in Other US States (Excluding New Jersey and California)


– No sales tax is charged, regardless of whether a valid reseller certificate is provided.

Future Tax Compliance:

– As Artisan Furniture’s US sales volume grows, the company may need to comply with individual state tax regulations.

– This document reflects the current tax obligations as of June 6, 2024, and may be updated as necessary to ensure compliance with evolving tax laws.

By understanding and adhering to these tax policies, trade customers can ensure compliance with applicable sales tax regulations when placing orders through Artisan Furniture’s US platform. If there are any changes in sales tax requirements, Artisan Furniture will update its policies accordingly to maintain compliance and provide accurate tax calculations for its customers.


All the above information is correct and applicable as of July 1, 2024. For individual circumstances and tax compliances, businesses are advised to contact their own tax advisors or CPAs. This information is necessary in light of our impending launch of our California-based fulfillment center.

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